Spring Intentions: the wisdom and the science
Seasons change at an almost imperceptible pace until suddenly we notice buds tightening, mornings growing lighter, and the subtle shift of unfastening our coats to welcome the fresh air. Winter, with her quiet stillness, gradually passes her crown to early Spring—a time once known as Imbolc, a festival marking the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.
Legend has it that the Goddess of Winter, the Cailleach, battles with the Goddess of Spring, Brigid, who eventually triumphs at the moment of the Spring Equinox, reigning until Autumn when the days once again shorten. Perhaps you, too, are beginning to sense this shift, a stirring energy within you as the world slowly awakens.
A Time to Reflect: Your Big YES and NO
This transition is a perfect opportunity to pause and reflect. What are your big YESes in life right now? What excites you, fuels your passion, and gets you out of bed in the morning? And equally important, what are your NOs? What drains you, weighs you down, and makes you want to pull the duvet over your head?
This slow, awakening energy of early Spring will inevitably gain momentum—whether you’re ready or not. So why not prepare? Why not take control and direct this rising energy toward the dreams, goals, and intentions you wish to nurture?
The Power of Intention
Words are how we give our dreams a voice. Words are magical. And since we are what we repeatedly do, and our actions stem from how we think, then in many ways, we are what we repeatedly think.
So, do yourself a favor: get clear on your intention. It doesn’t have to be grand or complex. It could be something as simple as I love myself, Opportunities are everywhere, or Live fully. And remember, intentions evolve as we do, so don’t be afraid that you’re locked into just one.
Once you have your intention, start to see the world through its lens. How do you speak when this intention is your foundation? How do you carry yourself, dress, eat, move, plan? Let it become the theme tune to your days, gently guiding you as you step forward.
From Seed to Expression
Intentions come from deep within—rooted in the sacral chakra, the energy center of passion and creativity. As they mature, they rise to the throat chakra, the energy center of expression and truth. If you don’t yet know exactly where your intention will lead you, that’s okay. Trust your gut. Speak it to yourself often. You don’t need to share it with others; this is yours to nurture and tend to.
The Balance of Effort and Detachment
Yoga teaches us the delicate balance of Abhyasa—constant and dedicated practice—and Vairagya—detachment. When it comes to intentions, we must plant the seed and tend to it with commitment (Abhyasa), while also releasing attachment to the outcome (Vairagya). Why? Because peace comes from focusing on the process, not just the results.
As I like to remind myself, the reward is in the effort. Neuroscience now supports this, showing that dopamine—the so-called “reward hormone”—isn’t just released when we achieve a goal, but throughout the process of working toward it. This means fulfillment isn’t found solely in reaching a destination but in the journey itself.
Welcoming the Light Ahead
As the wheel of the year turns and Spring begins to stir, take this time to plant your own seeds of intention. Just as the earth gradually awakens, so too does your energy, your desires, and your capacity for growth. By aligning with this natural momentum—setting clear intentions, nurturing them with dedication, and surrendering attachment to the outcome—you step into a flow that is both powerful and freeing.
So as the light returns and nature begins its quiet transformation, ask yourself: What do I want to cultivate? Trust in your process, speak your dreams into existence, and know that the reward is already unfolding in every step you take.